
How to Find Best Android Tablet and Mobile

How to find best android Tablet? Nowadays Android Tablets are trending market because Android tablets are cheaper than Apple iPad and Android’s Google Play Store have 700,000+ apps in store. Google enabled books, movies and music on Android devices, it means you can buy books, music and movies on Android tablet and watch them instantly on your Android tablet.

Which Brand is Best for buying a Android OS tablet? Here i would like to tell you that all manufacturer are good because every manufacture provides different features with devices as Samsung Galaxy Note Spen features which let you draw. Asus transformer which one can be used like a laptop but lets see the points before find best Android tablet

What do you need in tablets –

  1. Cheapest Tablet
  2. Get latest Android OS updates
  3. Apps and features
  4. Technical Support
  5. Is it trending or not trending
  6. Performance and design

Now i would like to explorer the points written above –

How to Find Best Android Tablet

Cheapest Tablet

There are many new companies in the market whose trying to sell there Android tablets in the market and offering lowest pricing? But don’t forget trends when buying a android tablet. Check hardware, performance and current trends. Read next topic you will understand –

Get latest Android OS updates

I would recommend you to buy latest Android OS based tablet. See latest OS information on http://www.android.com/ . If you purchase old OS based Android tablet then you are purchasing old technology that means less support and apps availability in future. So try to purchase latest Android OS supported devices. Now take a example of Google Nexus phone and Tablets. The Nexus is powered by latest Google OS and hardware which will be supported by next upcoming Android OS updates and nexus is first devices for getting latest Google OS updates, Thereafter other manufactures works for releasing new Android OS to there customers. It means purchasing Google Nexus is good for getting instant updates of latest OS?

Apps and Features

Many manufactures like Samsung, Asus and others provides different features to Android tablet devices. example – Samsung galaxy Note series provides Spen for sketching, drawing and writing on tablet. So compare these features before buying.

Technical Support

The Android OS is open source, So everyone is in the race of making new devices but they forget about technical support to there customers as providing latest Android updates via OTA (over the air). After purchasing this type devices you will feel deceived yourself.

Is it trending or Not trending

You should always buy devices according to trend. Never purchase outdated and low purchasing devices. If your device is trending then you will get lot of features and apps from developers. Otherwise you are on a different device whose is different but less support of apps and firmware.

Performance and Design

Check your device processor, ram, gpu and storage. Because if you purchase a better trending device then you will be able to use your device for long time, Otherwise you will be out of trend already. I will nothing say about design of device because all factors i written above are depends on features. It depends on user which design they will like when they are finding best android tablet according there needs.


So keep in mind that you will not get trouble after purchasing a device. Follow above topics and find best Android Tablet suitable to your indeed.

If you are still unable to judge which one you should by just ask them in comments,

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